Aggressively Pursuing
Your Employment Interests

Press And Representative Cases

The Members of Sack & Sack, Attorneys at Law are responsible for a number of seminars on the topic of employment law including:

  • Forbes Corporate Security Update, and conduct corporate and private seminars for sales reps, companies and employees throughout the United States

The Members of Sack & Sack, Attorneys at Law also have appeared and continue to appear regularly in all media venues including: Court TV, CNN Morning America, CNN Financial News, “A Current Affair”, “Hard Copy”, WABC-TV, WNBC-TV, WCBS-TV, NY1, Channel 55, 1010 Wins News Radio, 770 WABC Talk Radio, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Newsday, The Daily News, The New York Post, VDT News and Forbes Magazine.